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What is Islamic Date Today in Bhutan?

As of today 07 February 2025 CE, the current Islamic year in Bhutan is 1446 AH. Islamic calendar 2025 today date in Bhutan is calculated on this page with accurate calculation method. Hijri date 2025 – Muslim Year 1446 – Arabic Year 1446. Check the exact Islamic date today as “Hijri Date” with complete month Islamic calendar, which is updated all the time to give you the 100% accurate Islamic dates.

Today Hijri Date in Bhutan:

TodayIslamic DateIslamic MonthIslamic Year
Fri, 07 February 202508Shaban (شعبان المعظم)1446 Hijri

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Muslim Islamic Calendar 1446 Hijri

The Muslim Islamic Calendar called “Lunar Hijri Calendar” has 12 months, however the days are less than the Gregorian calendar. Hijri year has 354 to 355 days, and Gregorian days are 355 to 366. The Islamic year starts with Muharram, and Gregorian starts with January. The Islamic months are Muharram, Safar, Rabi ul Awwal, Rabi ul Thani, Jumadi ul Awwal, Jumadi ul Thani, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul Qadah and Dhul Hijja. You can find which day it is in Thimphu, Bhutan and in all cities of Bhutan.

Hijri Qamari Arabic Date Today in Bhutan

What is today Islamic Hijri Qamari date in Bhutan? Current Islamic Date in Bhutan in Islamic Lunar Hijri calendar is mentioned above, that is usually one day behind the Arab countries. Islamic months are different than the Gregorian or English months, here you can find the accurate current dates of Hijri year 1446 and Gregorian year 2025. You can also see which Islamic month is today.

How does the Islamic calendar work?

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar whose time reckoning is tied to the Moon phases. Each month lasts for a full lunation, which is the time span from one New Moon to the next. A new month can only begin after a Waxing Crescent Moon is observed shortly after sunset.

What calendar system is used in Bhutan?

In Bhutan, the Lunar calendar is used for formal purposes but all religious Islamic events are based on the Islamic calendar which is Lunar Hijri Calendar, so that there are 12 lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days, being 11 days shorter than a solar year.


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