What is Islamic Date Today in Afghanistan?
As of today 22 February 2025 CE, the current Islamic year is 1446 AH. Islamic calendar 2025 today date in Afghanistan is calculated on this page with accurate calculation method. Hijri date 2025 – Muslim Year 1446 – Arabic Year 1446. Check the exact Islamic date today as “Hijri Date” with complete month Islamic calendar for Afghanistan, which is updated all the time to give you the 100% accurate Islamic dates.
Today Hijri Date in Kabul:
Today | Islamic Date | Islamic Month | Islamic Year |
Sat, 22 February 2025 | 23 | Shaban (شعبان المعظم) | 1446 Hijri |
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Muslim Islamic Calendar 1446 AH
The Muslim Islamic Calendar has 12 months, however the days are less than the Gregorian calendar. Hijri year has 354 to 355 days, and Gregorian days are 355 to 366. The Islamic year starts with Muharram, and Gregorian starts with January. The Islamic months are Muharram, Safar, Rabi al-awwal, Rabi al-thani, Jumada al-awwal, Jumada al-thani, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul Qadah & Dhul Hijja. You can find which day it is in Kabul, Afghanistan and in all cities of Afghanistan.
Hijri Qamari Date Today in Afghanistan
What is today Islamic Hijri Qamari date in Afghanistan? Current Islamic Date in Afghanistan in Islamic Hijri calendar Shaban 1446. Islamic months are different than the Gregorian or English months, here you can find the accurate current dates of Hijri year 1446 and Gregorian year 2025. You can also see which Islamic month today.
What calendar system is used in Afghanistan?
The Solar Hijri calendar is the official calendar of the government of Afghanistan, and all national holidays and administrative issues are fixed according to the Solar Hijri calendar.
How does the Afghan calendar work?
The Afghan calendar starts on the March Equinox each year with the celebration of Nowruz (Persian New Year, translates to “New Day”). Like the Gregorian calendar, it is a solar calendar with 365 days (366 in leap years) where one year corresponds to one trip of the earth around the sun.
I simply love this Islamic dates page and regularly visit it to check the dates of upcoming occasions for my country Afghanistan. I am very thankful to you because you are giving us great information in a simple and unique way.
This website is such a blessing for Muslims living in Afghanistan as they can easily get all important information about the Islamic date, Calendar and Prayer times. Excellent effort. Keep up the great work.